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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions events in Cardiff, March 2016

In March 2016 Prof. G. Mishuris participated in two important events organised in Cardiff by Horizon 2020, the largest research and innovation programme in the EU. On March 17, the annual Horizon 2020 conference united over 140 representatives of Welsh leading businesses and universities to provide opportunities for networking and integration as well as the ground for fruitful debate. Among the keynote speakers were Jane Hutt, the Minister for Finance and Government Business, and Alan Cross from the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission.
As was emphasised by the Finance Minister, Horizon 2020 funding programme supports ground-breaking projects in science and helps develop innovative research in cross-border collaboration. “Projects which are already benefiting from these funds will help build and enhance Wales’ reputation as a world-class leader in research and innovation, with significant benefits for jobs and growth across all parts of Wales,” assured Jane Hutt.
The other Horizon 2020 event was ‘Bridging Business and Research’ meeting held on March 18 within Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) scheme. The only such event in the UK within the frame of EU-wide campaign, it aimed at encouraging essential collaborations between business and academia. During the networking exhibition, Prof. Gennady Mishuris, along with Dr Anne Howells, presented on behalf of Aberystwyth University the projects funded through MSCA, from which he has led as many as 11. He shared his experience on different types of grants and challenges that may arise while coordinating them, in particular when it comes to cooperation with industrial partners. “As the AU stand was the only one directly related to Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions scheme, it caused a great interest not only among the UK participants, but also the invited speakers from EU,” Prof. Mishuris explained, and added that some new promising research contacts were established at the event.
More photos here.
The programme of the 'Bridging Business and Research' event can be found here.
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