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Competition for the best young researcher's presentation at HYDROFRAC2014

During the conference HYDROFRAC2014 held in Rzeszów in July 2014, there was one session devoted to PhD students. Their presentations were judged by internationally recognised researchers and keynote speakers, namely Prof. Charles Fairhurst (University of Minnesota), Dr Branko Damjanac (ITASCA) and Prof. Mirko van der Baan (University of Alberta).

Although all students presented high level of research and presentation skills, the jury decided to award the following competitors:

  • Best presentation about practical aspect of hydrofracturing: Ivan Karpenko (Kyiv National University, Ukraine)
  • Best presentation about theoretical aspect of hydrofracturing (ex aequo): Ewa Rejwer (Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland) and Monika Perkowska (Aberystwyth University, UK)
  • 2nd price: Dawid Jaworski (Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland), Piotr Kuśmierczyk (Aberystwyth University, UK), Daniel Peck (Aberystwyth University, UK)